Promise to Maintain Confidentiality

Initial Contact and Intake
Program Contract
Waiver of Confidentiality
Promise to Maintain Confidentiality
Program Policy
BTP Fees Payment Assessment
Drug and Alcohol Assessment
Risk Assessment

Promise to Maintain Confidentiality

State Law requires all participants in the Batterer's Intervention Treatment Program to promise to maintain the confidentiality of group members and identifying information about them learned while in the program. Confidentiality is of primary importance as it is the basis for developing the trust necessary to disclose and risk in-group. To violate this fundamental premise could undermine the effectiveness of the program and the ability of group members to participate freely.

Violation of this policy can range from transfer of the offending party to another class to termination from the program and possible violation of probation and additional sanctions from the court.

By my affixed signature I understand and agree to maintain the confidentiality of all group members I may meet or interact with while in the course of attending the Domestic Violence Batterer's Intervention Program provided by Affordable Counseling & Educational Services.